

Five Tips For Increasing Online Sales



Some of the best innovations are adaptations of already tested principles to new environments. That’s what’s happening with online marketplaces right now. Although there are many inventions to explore, traditional sales advice stands. The challenge is to adjust it to your needs.


Our tips increase online sales by taking what is already proven and adapting it to the e-commerce environment. Building rapport, and showcasing your products and main selling point is still possible. Yet, you must utilize the right tools, such as social media and video software for sales.

Find a unique selling point

Before even starting a sale, you should clearly define the unique selling proposition (USP) of your product. It is the benefit that only you can bring, a problem only you can solve or, at least, better than anyone else in the market.

Armed with a USP as the foundation of your sales strategy, you will have a clear message to reach your target audience better. Whether it is a sales pitch, online ads, website copy, or a general branding strategy, USP can serve as an overarching theme. 

When it comes to online sales, USP provides customers with a clear value of your products, aiding them in decision-making. You must stand out and ease the process for your customers, as online marketplaces are filled with competing products. All of it is hardly possible without a clearly defined selling point.




Provide a video chat option

Nothing makes the process of purchasing a product easier than seeing it with your own eyes. Descriptions, images, and reviews can be deceiving. Showing products on a live video while guiding the customer through the checkout process is a sure way to increase online sales.

Rapport is hard to build over chat or a phone call, while one-to-one live video gives the sales representative an upper hand. He can respond to visual cues (such as facial expressions) and overcome hesitations while simply demonstrating the product. It is a personalized experience that will be remembered.

In short, live selling online is a way to showcase products to potential customers and answer any questions on the spot. Up until recently, most such sales were live streams on social media, but now you can implement video chat features into your website without much hassle.

Arm yourself with effective video software for sales that can be integrated with popular customer support and sales management platforms. But more than anything else, video chat should be convenient for your customers. So no additional downloads, plug-ins, or technical knowledge should be required from them.




Improve customer experience

A good customer experience is one without much hassle. No visitor should struggle to choose the right product, make a payment, or contact a representative. If your E-commerce website isn’t optimized for customer experience, don’t expect it to bring many sales.

But it is not only about the layout, product search, smooth checkout process, or other website design decisions. All of it can be tested and fixed while customers might still leave before checkout. Online sales require you to walk the extra mile and make a little push.

It can be a well-placed image, a unique piece of copy, or a live video chat with a representative. What’s important is the appeal to your audience and the right incentive to buy. Great customer experience should encompass every part of your website design and product presentation decisions. 


Showcase your products

There is no one correct way to showcase your products. However, a handy rule of thumb is to stay consistent in your messaging and always lead customers to finalize a purchase. Here are some ideas to work with:


Categories. Get rid of broad and confusing categorizations. Customers want to find the needed products quickly. Product categories shouldn’t stand in their way.

Descriptions. The first few sentences are essential for explaining what the product is and why it is worth buying. Think about your audience, and don’t overwhelm them with unnecessary information.

Pictures. Often, product pictures are the first thing a customer notices. Use only the best-quality photos that don’t hide anything important.

Experience. Showing pictures is not enough. Customers want to experience the products. Video software for sales can help you create a live experience.

Suggestions. Customers are more likely to buy if they can find multiple items on the same website. Be sure to have an item suggestion section with every product. 

Reviews. The more reviews, the more trustworthy the product is. Encourage customers to leave product reviews and react quickly to negative ones.


Build rapport with customers

It is easier to communicate and build relationships with customers when meeting face to face. After all, humans are hardwired for visual communication. But rapport is equally important for online sales – you just need the right ways to do it.

Using social media channels is the most popular method of reaching customers. Presence on social media has become a necessity for businesses. It serves as a place to contact support, write reviews and stay informed about your brand. Most importantly, it will help you to make a first impression and build trust.

Personalizing your communication is another cornerstone tactic for building rapport, but you must avoid being sloppy. All e-commerce shops can use first names and send automatic emails for abandoned shopping carts. However, a genuine bond comes when you are willing to walk the extra mile for a customer.

For example, you can offer customers the possibility to see the products in a live session that is meant only for them. While competitors keep sending spam, you will take your time to speak with them face to face. That’s how you build rapport worthy of a physical experience.



All in all, the five tips we provided here are only a start to adapting what’s best in sales for online marketplaces. The growing share of online sales will require businesses to find new strategies, but starting with techniques that have already worked for ages will give a solid foundation.

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